Oh God I hope not that too would be embarrassing matter a fact I am not going to see it anyway each time he goes on TV to speak I avoid watching him turn my stomach
I'm not going to watch, just as a matter of principle but, if I see him do that stupid 'thumbs up' grinning like an idiot, or clench his fist like he's some sort of tough guy one more time I may have to vomit again.
Anything me think like me that he’s stirring the pot over and over with Ukraine so people will tune in to see what crazy sh*t he’s gonna say….and then crow about his ratings?
The double jerk off is going to be on full display tomorrow. He is a total clown and an idiot too. He has no idea how idiotic he looks when he “dances” if you can even call it that.
Few things in this world more obnoxious than a dementia ridden old man who thinks he's all that. Wonder if "accordion hands" will make an appearance as well.
Wouldn’t watch the oldwind bag if u paid me.Musk will be@his side w/ 1/2 kids hanging from his neck!Felon will lie,then lie,then lie again.Do that thing with the mic,like he did@ campaignrally.Talk how it’s going to be greatw/ tariffs, ex-NATOmember,rip US off, fire Feds.GOPs bowing.MediaNot Fact ✅
I’m a dreamer.
• jerk-off dance
• shark vs electrocution
• Hannibal Lecter
• windmills
• Biden
• radical leftist
• reads “the snake” poem
• flushing toilets
• I/me/my
• wonderful
•Best ever
• Doing frog face
Don’t let them
If I want to hear him lie, I'll turn on the news.
Will Unemployment hit 25% by June or July?