We have a faux administration full of heartless and soulless cowards and evil traitors. History will not look at this era as favorable as the convicted felon and adjudicated sexual rapist sociopath 🤡 is drawing in his coloring book with orange crayons. Sigh ...
What I see is a smiling, young, patriotic man with a vision of saving his country from corruption. What I see now is a man that has aged 100 yrs, seen things we hope to never see, who is being blackmailed to give up the sovereignty of his country by being tag teamed by Russia & the US. Despicable.
The look on his face in the Oval Office was sickening. How can our country treat another human being like this on live TV and have most of the country cheer for it?
Less than 1/3. Please. It is NOT "most of" anything. Less than 1/3 voted for this. Less than that less than 1/3 voted for sanity. AND OVER 1/3 SAID FUCK THIS AND DIDN'T VOTE. So, to reiterate...no, it is NOT "most of" anything. It is less than 1/3. Thank you for reading. Goodnight.
Fat Donnie just halted aid to Ukraine - a violation of the Budapest Memorandum, violation of the separation of powers. This would be impeachable had the electorate not 💩 the bed and allowed R’s a trifecta. Consider throwing a few bucks to United 24 that directly supports Ukraine. 🇺🇦❤️ https://u24.gov.ua/
And he's winning.
Don't let them tell you that Ukraine has no chance. With Russian casualty rates, loss of war material, and loss of critical refinery infrastructure, it wouldn't surprise me if Ukraine was ready for to launch a counteroffensive this summer.
-Need to feel the same pain that was placed on all those who couldn’t defend themselves.
-Funds frozen and given to the less fortunate, U.S. Budget, and our allies.
-Their families and their future generations are forbidden to take part in government.
UK, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Mexico, please invade the Divided Christian Nazi States of America and deliver us from these Christian Nazis. Half this country is occupied by them. We need help. We'll welcome you. We'll help you. Just like you're helping Ukraine, help us too.
Trump aka agent Krasnov has put aid to the Ukraine on hold. He has basically punished a whole nation and its people due to a petty argument in the Oval Office which apparently bruised his fragile ego. Shameful. Puppet master Putin back in Moscow must be pleased with his acolyte. Nostrovia, Komarad
The stunt in front of the world wide press in the Oval Office was a charade to justify the termination of aid to Ukraine. I wonder how long before the madman announces a new trade deal with Russia? - "Such a beautiful deal, so much cheaper than Canada." North Korea to replace Mexico too.
Brian Glenn, Margery Taylor Green’s new boyfriend is the schmuck that asked Zelensky why he doesn’t wear a suit. MTG’s boyfriend. Then Trump winks at him after. Set up? You bet! Brian Glenn should be investigated by the people. Let’s do it. MTG and Brian Glenn.
And yes...he was a successful and actually funny comedian as well...what was Trump? A liar and a failure in a TV reality show where he grifted contestants and harassed them and co-stars, set people. Failed businessman in all endeavors. A bully and a fraud. A conman and a traitor.
PSYCHOPATHS Putin’s/Trump’s/Eloon’s MAGAs are a redux of PSYCHOPATH Hitler’s Nazis = psychopaths (1 in 25 persons in the general population) & their psychotic human pets.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
Frump tried to intimidate Zelenskyy the way Putin intimidates him. It didn’t work because Zelenskyy is not a whiny little coward like frump. Frump does not realize or understand how weak he looks to the entire world for giving in to Putin. If he was a real leader he would stand up to Putin.
Look, we already know there are at least 2 #RussianAssets leading the #FederalGovernment the best way to assure they have #NoPower over #Anyone is if the remaining #FederalWorkforce went on #Strike until #Congress did THEIR JOBS to #Impeach and #Convict bypassing #Corrupt #SCOTUS
Please start projects for direct purchase of javelin missiles, tanks, ammo, Kevlar, everything Ukrainian troops need. The US military-industrial complex is private industry that Felon47 cannot leverage to stop aid if Lockheed, Rand, etc don't (and they don't) want to folo the emperor with no clothes
– Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary for Vladimir Putin
turd (💩) in the white house, T-rumpZ Nazi 🐷
Don't let them tell you that Ukraine has no chance. With Russian casualty rates, loss of war material, and loss of critical refinery infrastructure, it wouldn't surprise me if Ukraine was ready for to launch a counteroffensive this summer.
-Need to feel the same pain that was placed on all those who couldn’t defend themselves.
-Funds frozen and given to the less fortunate, U.S. Budget, and our allies.
-Their families and their future generations are forbidden to take part in government.
Thank you Mr. PRESIDENT
Very nice suit too.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.