Dude you can't stop a drunk driver with sternly worded letters and they have no ability to take the keys. When they do something actually inconvenient he'll just ignore it.
Our party needs to stop the rhetoric and political games and STAND UP FOR US like @algreen.house.gov did.
Appalled to learn TEN Dem members actually voted to censure him! SHAMEFUL!
I’m a life-long, active Dem who faithfully volunteers in my local party. For over 30 years. I’m utterly disgusted.
A 5-4 ruling solely because the date of the stay had already expired is hardly stepping in to "stop Trump from wrapping our country around a tree" ffs.
Instead of fantasizing about Canada becoming the 51st state, you should be more concerned about if there even will be any elections in the US in four years or if you will be Russia's 9th federal district by then. At the moment it looks more like that to me.
Rep Green is the only one showing true defiance and in doing so, has inspired many. This is what we NEED to motivate us all to fight for our democratic republic!
Are the rest going to just file bills and hold up auction paddles until it’s too late? Censure our own member??
Jasmine Crockett also seems to be one of the few willing to take a stand. But in a country as large as the U.S., there must be more. And when politicians are unwilling or unable to act as it seems then, whether they like it or not, it’s up to the American people to stop this insanity.
Totally agree!
Not sure how we motivate people to mobilize, tho. It worries me that most won’t be driven to act until they experience the impending pain directly and then it could be too late.
So we filing bills and are outvoted. We sue and win some. But how much can the courts hold up?
Meanwhile, the rest of the world is begging us to do something. They don’t understand the masses’ inaction. They also probably don’t realize the devastating level of apathy and complacency here.
We need famous people (actors and actresses, musicians) to start speaking out, to help organize protests. That gets the ball rolling better than letters to your reps. Look how well the protests has worked on Tesla $$$. You need the masses to start protesting in the streets, in every city.
That honor will mostly rest on Roberts and whether he can convince one other MAGA justice to vote with him on the side of democracy and the constitution. I wouldn’t expect too much.
I don't expect the US Supreme Court to do anything to stop Trump. Alito and Thomas care only about themselves and lining their pockets. The other so called "conservatives" are just that "so called" and sycophants at heart.
The present condition of SCOTUS is unlikely to provide the salvation we seek. It is significantly compromised. We can't allow ourselves to become complacent with the FEW wins. It is imperative that we persist in our efforts to advocate for justice & righteousness. 😷
An American President is not a king.
“An American President is not a king—not even an ‘elected’ one,” District Judge Beryl Howell wrote in a 36-page opinion, “and his power to remove federal officers and honest civil servants … is not absolute, but may be constrained in appropriate circumstances.”
SCOTUS????????That bunch of crooked misfits IS a car wreck. A clown car filled with Bozos in black robes. They anointed Trump above the law. They'll never lift a finger to help our country.
Oh don’t expect that to continue for much longer at all. The only reason John and Amy didn’t screw us this time is because someone probably skimped on their bribes. Gotta watch that bottom line!
There will come a time when Trump simply stops listening to whatever SCOTUS says and we will become a full blown dictatorship. Don’t say I didn’t warn you all.
The 5-4 decision yesterday doesn’t hold much promise for this especially when Congress has the power of the purse in the Constitution and they ignored that.
LOL… Our ethics-bereft, Orwellian Ministry of Truth? You mean THAT “S”COTUS, the one giving the Dicktator #Krasnov freakin’ free rein from the Oval?
Good luck with that hope!!😏
( good parents don’t give their drunk teenager keys to the Porsche)
McConnell should go down as the POS that has done more harm to America than even Trump
He could of flushed him at either impeachment & is responsible for the completely fucked SCOTUS with Trump’s last 3 illegitimate appointments
Fuck em both
Appalled to learn TEN Dem members actually voted to censure him! SHAMEFUL!
I’m a life-long, active Dem who faithfully volunteers in my local party. For over 30 years. I’m utterly disgusted.
She'll be an interesting one to watch as more cases make their way up.
This is posturing, nothing more.
Rep Green is the only one showing true defiance and in doing so, has inspired many. This is what we NEED to motivate us all to fight for our democratic republic!
Are the rest going to just file bills and hold up auction paddles until it’s too late? Censure our own member??
Jasmine Crockett also seems to be one of the few willing to take a stand. But in a country as large as the U.S., there must be more. And when politicians are unwilling or unable to act as it seems then, whether they like it or not, it’s up to the American people to stop this insanity.
Not sure how we motivate people to mobilize, tho. It worries me that most won’t be driven to act until they experience the impending pain directly and then it could be too late.
So we filing bills and are outvoted. We sue and win some. But how much can the courts hold up?
So DOGE can fire every misbehaving judge.
Wow, this will be amazingly efficient, just like a communist party!
“An American President is not a king—not even an ‘elected’ one,” District Judge Beryl Howell wrote in a 36-page opinion, “and his power to remove federal officers and honest civil servants … is not absolute, but may be constrained in appropriate circumstances.”
Good luck with that hope!!😏