Washington's first years was 1789. Not once in two hundred and thirty six years have we elected a woman president. We are at 249 years since declaration. Kamala was fine. So many women would have done a great job, but we elected that.
Here's a great example of feminism: my girlfriend make more than I do and she owns the house we live in. We share household responsibilities equally, and honestly, I would not have had it any other way. She's just beyond amazing and I worship the grounds she walks on! 😍
Time for that long talked about feminist revolution ( before Trummp and his like strip us of what gains we have made and have us turn into baby factories again,)
And a large chunk of women support men who want us to be nothing more than chattel property. MIND BOGGLING.
Talk about voting against yourself - they even helped elect the Orange one to further inflict misogynist policies on the rest of us.
Both maddening and saddening.
I voted for Kamala & Tim 💙
Did you see the women who decided not to vote for Kamala after the Julia Roberts ad letting them know that what happens in the voting booth stays in the voting booth? Too many women are pressured by their husbands to vote against their own interests it is disgusting.
The days for Men of Power are over! Elect leaders of compassion, those who can drive cooperation, equality, sustainable capitalism, caring, sharing, and improvement. Greedy, self serving psychos gotta go! We have been gutted, and they want more. F the system, improve it!
...and are fucking pissed as hell at the men who are condescending, controlling, and selfish as hell. The normal, sane men are wonderful to be around, thank God.
I'm 75 years old, female. One thing I'm very aware of is how many of the volunteers needed to get lots done in our communities are women. Women learned organizing skills in their families. & other skills while working. Not wanting to sit on their hands after retirement. RETIRED WOMEN ROCK!
It will be approximately 200 years before the average salary of a woman matches that of a man. We are still way behind and have a long way to go. This administration has pushed us back several years but we have to continue fighting. Our women deserve so much more.
They were suppose to save us from Trump but… the majority of women voted for him!!! I don’t get it. They keep voting against their best interest. How do we educate?
Medicade, paid by tax payers
1) abandoned women with babies
2) Owe financial support
3) government run by men won't run down the deadbeat dads & make them pay
4) men know this and move to the next woman and start again
5) religious institutions blame women
• Pay Gap: Women earn 83¢ per $1 men make (2023)
• Leadership: 8.2% of S&P 500 CEOs are women; 33% of state legislators; 13 female governors (2025)
• Body Autonomy: Women 100s of reproductive laws - Men 0
• Unpaid Labor: Women do 2x housework, 65% childcare, and 2.5x night care.
Fact Check:
1. 51% of the Population → ✅ TRUE
2. 70% of the Poor → ✅ TRUE
• Globally, 70% of people in extreme poverty are women (UN Women)
3. 83% of Single Parents → ✅ TRUE
(Pew Research, 2023)
4. 66% of the Work → ✅ TRUE
• Women do 66% of unpaid labor globally (UN Women, 2021)
5. 50% of the Food → ⚠️ PARTLY TRUE
• Women produce 43-50% of global food,(FAO, 2023)
6. Earn Just 11% of the Pay → ❌ FALSE
• Women earn 77-82 cents for every dollar men earn (U.S. Census Bureau, 2023)
7. Own Only 1% of the Land → ❌ FALSE
• Women own less than 20% of land globally (World Bank, 2023).
I am a Doctor, and I finally started to get paid the equivalent of my male colleagues when I joined a practice started and owned by another Woman Doctor. A World of difference.
This must be worldwide. Problem is, countries contributing the most to such figures are NOT the western societies were feminism gets more vocal. This creates a certain dissonance, especially with regards to western men who increasingly feel uneasy, unfairly treated, and attracted by reactionaries.
We have to do better.
Talk about voting against yourself - they even helped elect the Orange one to further inflict misogynist policies on the rest of us.
Both maddening and saddening.
I voted for Kamala & Tim 💙
Define 'Women'
Medicade, paid by tax payers
1) abandoned women with babies
2) Owe financial support
3) government run by men won't run down the deadbeat dads & make them pay
4) men know this and move to the next woman and start again
5) religious institutions blame women
A non partisan issue
26 is coming
• Leadership: 8.2% of S&P 500 CEOs are women; 33% of state legislators; 13 female governors (2025)
• Body Autonomy: Women 100s of reproductive laws - Men 0
• Unpaid Labor: Women do 2x housework, 65% childcare, and 2.5x night care.
1. 51% of the Population → ✅ TRUE
2. 70% of the Poor → ✅ TRUE
• Globally, 70% of people in extreme poverty are women (UN Women)
3. 83% of Single Parents → ✅ TRUE
(Pew Research, 2023)
4. 66% of the Work → ✅ TRUE
• Women do 66% of unpaid labor globally (UN Women, 2021)
• Women produce 43-50% of global food,(FAO, 2023)
6. Earn Just 11% of the Pay → ❌ FALSE
• Women earn 77-82 cents for every dollar men earn (U.S. Census Bureau, 2023)
7. Own Only 1% of the Land → ❌ FALSE
• Women own less than 20% of land globally (World Bank, 2023).