Not about to be bullied by an ignorant, senile, clown. His previous attempt at a trade deal (USCAM) was merely a reworked NAFTA. What piece of garbage is he trying to distract from now?
I heard that ICE is all over the place along Lake Erie. That's PA and OH.They already control Michigan.
On 2/28, Michigan women revived The Battle of the Overpass (Dearborn, May, 1937, Ford thugs vs UAW at the River Rouge Plant) on pedestrian walkways during rush hour.
Americans & Canadians head for
the international border soon. Watch for planning state by state.
FYI: Michigan weather is variable at this time of year and our bridges can be risky. Be sure you are with a group before attempting to cross.
I am overwhelmed with disgust by what Trump is doing to Canada, our amazing longtime ally. Trump wants to be Putin and take what he wants whenever he wants…whether it’s sovereign countries or women’s bodies…
Oh, so that's the artificial line == the one that runs down the middle of the lakes. There are people who have long wanted to use the lakes for fresh water and those who want to use it for dumping.
It was a comparison to what he is trying to do with the Gaza strip. He seems to think if he could turn a profit with someone else's property, he should just take it. I'm sure this is partly upbringing and partly influence from Putin. At the heart of it all, he is a needy, spoiled child.
Hands off, Trump - if you think for one nano nanosecond that Canadians will let you touch the Great Lakes, you better think again.
Hands off - Elbows up!
The “similarities” between Putin and Trump are endless. Manipulation,lying,greed,hate bigotry,corruption, the desire to “own it all”, to hurt their people and countries - they are both immediate threats to their countries and others. The world deserves better than those trying to destroy it all.
What he's tearing up much greater than the great lakes. He's tearing up American credibility all over the world. I'm no fan of Iran but at least they had the stones to tell Trump to f-off after he sent them his extortion letter. I'm just surprised he didn't ask for his buddy Putin to help with Iran.
How do you know Trump didn't ask Putin for help convincing Iran to take his extortion deal?
America has already lost credibility. No one can trust Trump to honor any agreements. The world can't believe Americans re-elected Trump. Now no one trusts Americans to do the right thing. Trust is gone.
It's in the nyt so word is starting to get out. Most of us are so overwhelmed by the dismantling of our government, fear of social security being destroyed, and the economy crashing that we can't even fathom starting a war with Canada. The people don't want any of this.
Yes, I recognise that it’s coming at you through a fire hose and everyone is exhausted. Good to hear that it’s starting to get some coverage, as this could, sadly, lead to unimaginable levels of conflict within our own continent.
this is a DT version of the CHIPS act... but in this case he's chipping away at the guard rails intent on destruction, starting with anything that won't shoot back
He’s an idiot, he thinks he can do anything he wants, & Americans are letting him, but other countries are not. It’s a shame but the US has burned so many bridges in just 45 days, it will take a lot for any country to ever trust the US again, if ever.
Just to clarify. 75 million US people did not vote for him. Families and friends are being torn apart in this country. It is strictly the MAGA party that is creating all of these issues. Millions of Americans are actively involved trying to make a difference and will probably take to the streets.
We now have a new leader that Trump doesn't have a history with. He should be afraid, be very afraid. Canada is going to kick your feeble old ass. 🇨🇦 We are united and ready. 🇨🇦👍
If you listen to Malcom Nance he believes trump already has a plan in a year to invade Canada and Greenland and take them over, but first trump needs to economically disrupt them and that is what the tariffs are all about!
If Trump invades either Canada or Greenland, it will be the next domino to WWW3. Nato will invoke Article 5 so the US will effectively be fighting NATO.
If the US is engaged in war here, does anyone think China doesn't go after Taiwan. North Korea invades South Korea. Iran may attack Isreal?🧵
It was our military strength and treaties that held many of these aggressions at bay. Why would China think we would defend Taiwan? What other potential conflicts will erupt if the US becomes the war aggressor?
It's hard to grasp how all this could be possble. The US constitution is apparently - to all intents and purposes - not worth the parchment is was (possibly) written on.
Nah, this is the first step to fall directly in line with you and we do not want that. Don't worry for us, we can be very creative. Be sorry for the ones who would try to come at us.
It's two different issues. We need to solve the US "problem". Canada needs to be ready to defend itself. It's a long border and the military can't cover all of it effectively. Canadians need to help their forces if Trump is still in power.
But the conflict won't be about borders after the first week. I'll be about guerilla attacks for the forever. Any armed action by the US will radicalized a percentage of the Can population. Every killing of those radicalized will create greater radicalization. It'll be ugly.
Actually, when dems begin arming themselves and develop a more realistic mindset about what’s happening here, will that go a long way toward benefiting Canada .
It’s all falling into place as they planned it. Blow up meeting with Zelenskyy to justify withdrawing aid so Europe scrambles to protect Ukraine and the rest of Europe. Then annex 🇨🇦 while Europe is spread too thin to come to their aid. World domination by dictators. We’re on our own people.
Everywhere I see tons of Americans totally agreeing with Trump and his politics. I am really giving up, that country is totally lost. They are either cowards or complicit, nothing else.
I've felt like this for a while, but many of us are getting out into the streets, despite the media not covering it!
Every subsequent protest I've gone to has grown in size. Many of us don't want this, but we will need your help to boost our messages and cut through all the bullshit!
You need to bring more to the streets. This is not like "oh we protested, that's the best we can do" => As long as you didn't removed Trump, as long you are a fascist regime. Every death goes onto your country. There is no trophy for trying.
And I meant what I said: there are TONS of people who are just openly agreeing with Trump and having no problem with his actions. Not MAGAs. People who think "its good that someone cares for immigration" and bull like that. You need to talk with those people.
We need a pipeline from "cynical/disengaged" to "trying" to "trying hard" or we'll never get anywhere. We need ways to really build a community and an online presence or we can't fight the massive oversaturation of right-wing media. (And yes we need all this stuff like 2 decades ago)
This is unacceptable. Living in the heart of all these lakes makes me angry that he’s trying to destroy them. Leave the national parks, the state parks, the lakes, the trees ALONE!!!
I live 70miles from Lake Superior. It’s stunning, impressive and tRump needs to leave the lakes and boundary waters alone! The dumb 🫏 is going to ruin natures beauty
When you buy gas, you support Trump. So stop buying gas. Research which EV will work for your daily needs, figure out where you will charge it, then save up and get it done. No spending on anything beyond food, housing, and utilities until you have stopped buying gasoline. It's that important.
Trump continues to spit in the face of our Canadian friends. Like a wannabe Hitler, Trump continues to threaten expansion and 51 states. His rhetoric is absolutely disgusting and it would be laughable if people’s lives weren’t on the line here. Stand up and fight back!
Oh, Canadians are fighting back and won't be afraid when it gets very ugly. Hopefully it doesn't come to this and people in the US will fight back first to preserve their democracy.
A super soaker would probably do it. He’s deteriorating in front of us and is unable to drink with one hand, advancing dementia.
Omarosa asked if his medical report included his cardiac stent. Send more Big Macs.
Trump is a crook, liar, and treaties mean nothing to him. The treaty ever kept by the first LIAR leader to the first nation, THEY PROMISED TO TAKE THEIR LAND, and they took IT!
They are Russiapublicans disguised as Americans. They are chaos agents and chaos merchants dismantling democracy to set up the robberbarrons and Trump to be a dictator.
On 2/28, Michigan women revived The Battle of the Overpass (Dearborn, May, 1937, Ford thugs vs UAW at the River Rouge Plant) on pedestrian walkways during rush hour.
Americans & Canadians head for
FYI: Michigan weather is variable at this time of year and our bridges can be risky. Be sure you are with a group before attempting to cross.
Hands off - Elbows up!
America has already lost credibility. No one can trust Trump to honor any agreements. The world can't believe Americans re-elected Trump. Now no one trusts Americans to do the right thing. Trust is gone.
Canada will never be the 51st state.
They certainly are in Canada, where our decks are stacked with millions of cards shuffled world wide, including in the states.
And we have eggs.
If the US is engaged in war here, does anyone think China doesn't go after Taiwan. North Korea invades South Korea. Iran may attack Isreal?🧵
The USA has been DEFEATED.
He won’t answer calls and he isn’t hosting town halls.
He serves at our pleasure. We don’t have a Constitutional mechanism to remove him, but we do have a means to make our collective voices heard.
Please sign and share!
Hockey sticks alone won't protect you. Gear up bros!
It's a sorry state of affairs.
But the conflict won't be about borders after the first week. I'll be about guerilla attacks for the forever. Any armed action by the US will radicalized a percentage of the Can population. Every killing of those radicalized will create greater radicalization. It'll be ugly.
Kill one, create 10.
Every subsequent protest I've gone to has grown in size. Many of us don't want this, but we will need your help to boost our messages and cut through all the bullshit!
Omarosa asked if his medical report included his cardiac stent. Send more Big Macs.
#InvictusManeo #DurisNonFrangor #No47thReich
Great Lakes are not for sale!
He must be stopped.
Millions of lives are at stake.
Canadians, Americans, Ukrainians, Greenlanders, etc etc etc
It will take civil war to rem9ve them and take it back. Those in power will kill to keep that power.
Truth is a liars nemesis
🇨🇦 A N N E X A T I O N 🇨🇦
The 🇺🇸 does not have - ONE SINGLE ALLY - that 🇺🇸 had on Jan 19th.
This 🇺🇸 going it alone thing, is going to be exorbitantly expensive for the 🇺🇸.
Leaving NATO will double your Military Budget. At the time Billionaires dont pay tax.
F A S C I S M.