A militairy coup would be the next best thing to happen in the US, as it is more evident than ever, that this is a shithole country, and the coup is what is expected. So everyone arm yourselves, it's gonna be a bloody ride.
Hi Morgan JFreeman -you have 350+ thousand followers. Can you help to mobilize people to understand why you need a general strike in USA. Please. For Canada if not for your own country. Make burner emails. Sign up. #generalstrike
Next election — vote all republicans out. Destroy that party like how it is destroying American lives and stability. Do not vote for anyone that is running and representing Republican Party. Those idiots can not be trusted, 😡🤬
Keep advocating, keep protesting, keep disrupting, keep calling them out. They can’t hide it any longer. The time will come when either they will give in or push so hard back that 186m people will stand against them.
Yes!!! How to stop Trump from installing an oligarchy like Putin did in 1990s Russia? Russia’s most profitable organisations were dismantled and taken over by tycoons able to take advantage of an increasingly compromised privatisation process and seize control of hugely profitable state enterprises.
Trump and his government need to go and should expect abuse for their vile policies but don’t sink to their level by using classic fascist dehumanising language.
In order to win we need people to realise who he is and to stop supporting him.
Mel Gibson Corrupt Decision!
This DOJ fish is totally “Rotting From The Head”.
Once again, it’s a Woman Lawyer who has the courage to speak truth to power.
The Trump Regime has now inserted Dishonourable lawyers in all the key positions of Governance.
In Australia we have a thing in parliament where a Government can have a "vote of no confidence". The Governor (The King's representative) can even sack the Prime Minister. If our Govt was doing what he's doing, this would have happened weeks ago.
Canadian system is like that as well (constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy - similar to the UK). In the States, they can impeach the president but unlikely to get enough of the republican lawmakers to stiffen their spines to do so. Perhaps if situation gets dire...
We have the 25th & Actual "LAW MAKERS" that could write up a law to end all this.
I don't understand why they keep allowing this madness to continue😵💫
People are only going to take so much 🙄 wait till they start taking away the poor white people's food stamps. I'm just waiting for the uprising . I guess owning the libs isn't all it's cracked up to be
Jared Golden made the same decision in the house that the Centre Party did in Germany when they voted to give Hilter full power in 1933: To keep the public order. Senate Democrats better not fall for the same argument.
The SenateDems.Need to hold the line)as the House caved to Felon’s ‘please),& NOTvote for the spendinggap bill.Why? Felon&Muskrat have already fired most of the Fed.workers, and Felon’s clowns🤡have taken over.DoUSreally want to be screwed over again by this government? https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/democrats-trump-government-shutdown-rcna195828
Now I get it.
Emulate the Ukrainians.
We must be level headed - and reasonable.
In order to win we need people to realise who he is and to stop supporting him.
This DOJ fish is totally “Rotting From The Head”.
Once again, it’s a Woman Lawyer who has the courage to speak truth to power.
The Trump Regime has now inserted Dishonourable lawyers in all the key positions of Governance.
I don't understand why they keep allowing this madness to continue😵💫