This traitor has bent the knee & kissed the ring. If votes YES and persuades his colleagues to follow, he will be MURDERING Veteran's by cutting their healthcare. Is that how we treat the men and women who fought for our freedom?
Schumer is pissing on John McCain's grave.
Schumer is pissing on John McCain's grave.
He needs to go!
He needs to be REPLACED now. Put a progressive woman in charge! He is too old and not acclimated to today’s issues.
he has to GO
Poor US.
Cringing, whining, apologizing, squirming this the Jewish Image we want to send out to the world?
We need Golda...we got Iago....
It makes perfectly sense that Schumer is supporting this bill
Not supporting it gives much more power to the Trump regime 🤦🏻♀️
That is not what we should want
You buy precious time with this bill
I guess Smart move Schumer 👍‼️
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." - - Dante Alighieri
He has already become rich because he had this position and he also does not care about representing us. Everything sticks to his hands just like other politicians thieves.
plans to CAPITULATE to the Trump Regime & the GOP by supporting the dirty CR.
Call 202-224-6542 (direct) to tell Chuck what a sell-out coward he is. Call him over & over again. Keep calling.
#coward #CR #capitulate #resistance #indivisible #50501movement #spineless #protest
Or maybe not because of Schumer!
We need some young blood!
But not Fetterman who is totally done!
Maybe Pete, Jazmin or AOC,
At least they are fighting for you and me!
Sometimes I live in the town
Sometimes I have the great notion
To jump in the river and drown
Especially After a Democrat like Schumer sells my safety net to satisfy some peace time FLUFFERY
We are at war with the GOP
He is actually killing me
Now is the time to fight the dictator, not appease him.
No one can tell me what a shut down would do other than make Democrats feel good. That's not good enough reason to justify the damage it would do.
CS: Oh, thank you sir. Is there anything else I can do for you while I am down here, love?
#noCR #nocloture #doyourjob #standupfordemocracy #shutitdown
No more $$$.
I am now on a payment plan based on results. Don’t expect anymore $$$.
**Results driven pay is now in effect. Until further notice.
A “NO” vote is the only option
#McConnell made #SCOTUS obstruction a modus operandi. may hold that nickname as he caves to #Trump on the #CR.
Then do as is needed.
In fact forget it.. Y'all mugs are fucked!
The Dems are dead as long as the ten Senate Dems are accepted by the Democratic Party.
Gary Peters (MI) isn’t running again so he decided to grab some cash for a vote on his way out.
you were told before
Musk will still come for him soon enough. And he’ll have himself to blame.
#ResignSchumer #SchumerResign or be impeached with the rest of those taking money.
Dump him
Get someone in there with skin in the game
It’s the new dance goin’ ‘round…. Come to the Traitor’s Ball!