BERNIE: “We have a health care crisis in this country.
Americans are dying because they can't afford to see a doctor.
We agreed on BIPARTISAN legislation to improve health care in America.
And one Republican kills the bill.
The American people are watching.”
Americans are dying because they can't afford to see a doctor.
We agreed on BIPARTISAN legislation to improve health care in America.
And one Republican kills the bill.
The American people are watching.”
You ahve no time to lose
But THIS is our new crisis.
"You work for us!" is getting a 4K re-release.
We are watching
And thinking
And speaking
And acting
Persist and resist together
Right now he’s too busy planning to invade Panama, Greenland, Canada, Honduras, Germany………….
Thanks for beating the drum, Bernie. I wish more democrats had the courage to listen and vote accordingly.
We don’t like it one bit! And…We don’t like
Richie Rich Rick Prick Scott!
I will always have mad respect for this man.
We need to do something now before our country falls into a hole it cannot get out of.
many years, Bernie is still willing to get out and do the hard work.
Around 65,000 Americans die at the hospital doors, each year, because they can't get health care.
Around 326,000 Americans go bankrupt, each year, because they, or a family member, paid for health care with their last dime.
Life shouldn't be a 'for profit' business
Just sayin'
First Do No Harm for many is just a suggestion.
For not dropping out sooner
In 2016
I don't agree
I still voted for Clinton
Where is she now?
She's not doing anything
She's beholden to
Like the
Schumer 10 traitors
Democrat establishment
Sold us out
Long ago
Working as
Lobbyists for
Big tech
Many senators have lobbyists
Family members
Or they will go through
Revolving doors to become
Lobbyists for
Wallstreet themselves
Ever wonder how come they get
So rich
PROFIT over all other considerations. And now add Nazi oppression of veterans, the poor, the old, and anyone else they can fuck.,of%20the%20non%2DMedicaid%20spouse.
When it comes to yourself, never give up, or you might miss out on your destiny.
And when it comes to others, never give your worst, or you'll never cultivate your best.
Remember, "what we give is what we receive." The lesson: simply to give.
Then again, republicans are always obstructing anything even remotely good as well as passing the cruelest legislation imaginable … and they still keep getting elected anyway.
If the American people are watching maybe they’re just idiots.
I'm mad at him for that one thing, too!
But that makes it no less true that he will go down in history as one of the greatest defenders of democracy of our time!!
But I don't see Hilary Clinton
Out there doing anything
I voted for her
All ex-presidents & VPs, Secs of State, took an oath to protect this country, too!
Where are they all?
We are one thin line away from authoritarianism!
We'd already be there if it weren't for judges & attorneys!
Keep fighting for us Bernie
You are a warrior
And I’m gonna say that it’s time for another insurrection.
Where we go into that building, into those offices and remove by force the corrupt republicans AND democrats who are bought and paid for by ISRAEL and oligarchs
But I applaud him for his ongoing commitment to this country.
He’s right.
Thank you! 🙏💙
But I’m impressed with Canada.
They are united and strong.
They can destroy tourism, and hold up against Trump.
Money, money, money.
That loss of money kicks Trump in the gut.
She’s awesome.
Trump+ has caused a byproduct.
He has united the people of different countries against America.
And they don’t need to fight us.
They just need to stick to their policies.