Of those, one-tenth were militant fighters exercising their legally sanctioned right to resist oppression. This is not to condone the Oct 7 massacre. But there is a good book by Paola Caridi that describes the histo
Hey. Hamas has a genuine cause. Hamas is a governing body of 300,000 people that provides social services, education, health care, etc. They are the ones who compile the official death count, which includes only identifiable people. Or were.
Hamas wants the liberation of the Palestinian people under brutal Israeli occupation. MAGA is more like the apartheid regime. How do you not know that?
maga are the dumbest shitheads on earth. Trump and musk are going to fuck them up beyond all recognition. I'll bring popcorn. Will be priceless to see their faces as their world collapses in on them with trump at the wheel.
Every day, Donald Trump defies court orders because he knows he controls all law enforcement and the Supreme Court. Trump supporters need to pay close attention to this because when Donald Trump turns on you, and he will, there will be nobody to stop him.
I used to have the meme that listed terrorist groups by country & for the USA it had MAGA, unfortunately a couple months my phone died & I lost those memes cause they weren't backed up 😟
Hmm, are you sure? Lots of violence been happening on the left. Not to mention they seem to be the biggest hamas supports. Just callen em like I see em 🥰
It's actually Christofascism and Zionism walking hand in hand with white supremacy. US funded and trained Bin Laden, it also wasn't Muslims who flew planes into the towers.
#FreePalestine #revolutionistheonlysolution ✊🏽
Hamas was specially created and funded by Israel as "part of their plan" to disrupt Palestine. 10/7 was an inside job to LET THEM breach the security gates, stall for over 6 hours, then use Apache's to blow up the PEACE music festival and blame Hamas.
Hamas was democratically elected. Ppl falling for this “Hamas are terrorists “ really need to fucking educate themselves.
The same govt that calls Hamas terrorist called Black Panthers, Malcom X, and MLK dangerous and launched FBI ops against them, disseminating misinformation.
It goes deeper: Israel sabotaged (murdered) all the legit political Gaza efforts while continually tightening it's grip, pushing the population to a more radical state (after Arafat). Hamas was always a (funded and armed) tool to take more land.
And yes I know Israel doesn’t want peace. Peace doesn’t serve their cause.
In the 90s Israeli academics taught me about media extreme pro-Israel bias, how they suppressed Israeli dissent, how 99.9% Palestinian protests were peaceful but they wouldn’t report on them. How they dehumanized them daily
For the rest if you guys, read The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan. It’s a nonpartisan, extremely well referenced history of the formation of Israel and is a fantastic educational starting point. It was published nearly 20 yrs ago so ends there but great Ed.
And, they're too stupid to realize how badly their lives will be fucked.
Because FOTUS doesn't need them anymore, so he couldn't care less if they suffer and die.
I'd say... Karma.
But the same is already happening to us.
Hamas has the same right to resist genocide as the Jews did during the Holocaust. Everything you ever heard about them, including attacking Jewish civilians, is Israeli propaganda and framing
I was taken aback by the treatments the folks that have been plucked off our street without going through the Court System, due processes or 🇺🇸🌏💡🤔🧐🙄☕ knowing who these ppl are? The guards shaved their heads! Looks spooky, as overseas, masked Terrorists!!..Foreign!! Made sure it was hard to recognize!
The US Marshals Service is the enforcement arm of the US Federal Courts System, is part of the Department of Justice and works at the direction of the US Attorney General. What happens when a Federal Judge issues a Court order in contradiction to actions of a rogue federal government action?
Beheaded babies, rapes -- all propaganda to garner 'support' for Israel's 'final solution' on Palestine. Israeli citizens witnessed Israeli tanks firing upon Israeli homes.
Did Hamas take advantage? Yep -- hostages as a bargaining tool to release 1,000's of Palestinians from Israeli prisons.
Not even close. Hamas was formed to resist occupation and genocide. MAGA is a cult of the terminally stupid, who are permanently angry and who are allergic to facts
Wrong Hamas and the people on ground fighting are freedom fighters fighting for the love of their people and country. Maga are traitors, every fascist needs a fanatical cult. Revolution is the only solution ✊🏽
At least Hamas' objective is, reportedly, defending the Palestinian from Israel's oppression. MAGA on the other hand are the ones doing the oppression on the US and also helping Israel oppressing and killing the palestinian while they're at it.
MAGA never heard the saying "Be Careful What You Wish For". This halcyon life they think they'll receive by trying to bend us to their will won't happen. They're incapable of regret, but they'll someday wish they'd just moved to Russia, which system they want. Trump & Co. will roll right over them.
The latest Trump disregard for court orders shows he has no respect for the law or the US Constitution. If I was an American, I would be seriously getting very nervous. A breakdown of law and order at the highest level is uncivilized and pure evil. It's only a matter of time... Chaos at all levels.!
Wait, but who is spray painting all the swastikas? I swear it was the left painting swastikas on Teslas, no? Why would they paint those everywhere where if it wasn't their favorite symbol? 🤔 I think you are confused about this.
The religious right are the American Taliban, and the ultra nationalists are America's Nazis. Put them all together and you have an axis of evil that have ascended to a position of power that most people could never imagine.
Ffs! DO better! HAMAS is the only resistence group who fight for the humanity, and rights of Palestinians, who live in an open air prision, under a brutal genocidal Apartheid regime, directly under the oppressive control of Zionist Israel, not much different to what Trump plans to do to Americans.🤡
That’s a fucked ip racist thing to say. Hamas is a political party democratically elected then immediately labeled terrorist by the grps trying to exterminate Palestinians.
They earned that title. Full stop.
Maga is our countrymen. And they are just as programmed as you are.
What could possibly go wrong?
#FreePalestine #revolutionistheonlysolution ✊🏽
The same govt that calls Hamas terrorist called Black Panthers, Malcom X, and MLK dangerous and launched FBI ops against them, disseminating misinformation.
See a pattern?
In the 90s Israeli academics taught me about media extreme pro-Israel bias, how they suppressed Israeli dissent, how 99.9% Palestinian protests were peaceful but they wouldn’t report on them. How they dehumanized them daily
For the rest if you guys, read The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan. It’s a nonpartisan, extremely well referenced history of the formation of Israel and is a fantastic educational starting point. It was published nearly 20 yrs ago so ends there but great Ed.
And, they're too stupid to realize how badly their lives will be fucked.
Because FOTUS doesn't need them anymore, so he couldn't care less if they suffer and die.
I'd say... Karma.
But the same is already happening to us.
They do not exist in the same reality as most of humanity.
The MAGA propaganda machine is too big to stop Trump this time around.
Hamas are freedom fighters for Palestine which has been illegally occupied since mid 1940s.
Israel and USA want Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen etc.
Did Hamas take advantage? Yep -- hostages as a bargaining tool to release 1,000's of Palestinians from Israeli prisons.
It’s white people
Own it
Delete this
MAGA are stupid, spoilt American brats.