The root of what we're experiencing right now, is this man. He may be quietly in the background, but his published words have inspired millions to act to where we are now. Very dangerous man for America.
Republicans are under the spell of a PROFESSED PREDATOR incapable of empathy (without a capacity for shame, an even less regard for godliness.) He’s the cold GOP standard bearer for Republicans.
Evil is the new norm.
Better angels must keep speaking out. There’s more good in us than doom in them.
Thank you for posting this very day. I appreciate the reminder because I hope someday there will be a reckoning for what happened to those officers and this country. I don’t want to forget and let it get buried, it was that awful in every possible way and a real turning point in history.
Why aren’t we doing this? Our government is being destroyed, people are being disappeared, and we are so chicken shit to look like them we are just letting them do it. Fucking rise up!
The 78 year old convicted felon’s thugs were attacking the Capitol on J6.
Now he’s running the country with his executive orders, defying courts orders. Typical criminal, behaviour.
I will repost every time I see this! I'm watching all my ignorant neighbors slowly pulling their trump crap down finally. I guess the Lesbian toting angry ex-cop who wants to poison her neighbor's dogs finally decided she might have been wrong!
And I'm not going to forget this either-worse than the 'constitutional crisis' we've been told would be the time to stop accepting the fascist-criminal takeover
It is still shocking! Trump calls these people patriots and anyone vandalizing a Tesla a terrorist who should serve 20 years in El Salvador prison. He is a sick, evil SOB!
If you think, as I read some replies that "blue states are safe, we still have some freedoms, etc., etc." You are wrong.
The Nazis will take over what's left. They just got started. You won't have MSNBC as you have now, 100% of the Internet, from Wikipedia to Bluesky, will be under their control!
Yes. We still have much work to do within our own opposition movement to increase the understanding that this threat we're struggling against is NOT about so-called "blue states" vs "red states"
Just yesterday - AGAIN - the remark that "they" in a so-called "red state" voted against their own interests. Did "they"? Everyone - every voter in that so-called "red state" - "they" ALL voted for trump? Then explain the SEVERAL MILLIONS in these so-called "red states" who did NOT vote for trump.
There's no ultimate solution to remove that Nazi Regime, from leaders to helpers & set a Nuremberg style trial for all of them, than a revolution.
The Nazis plotted the takeover of your country since the 1980s. They plotted already for it to last. No protests & elections would fix it. REVOLUTION!!!
This supports my theory that we need strong, short, real ads that highlight the crimes. This is about high treason and crimes. Nothing less. Ads work. We just need to put them where people can see them.
For me the squashing of the Capitol Officer being squashed is embedded in my memory.
I watched it live broadcast, like the rest of the world did.
It’s a miracle Daniel Hodges survived that.
Same .. it breaks me every time I see it .. I watched in horror that day as well.. IT is still beyond belief .. but too real.
the nazi movement never died .. :'(
Stop the steal. In the words of the Great stand-up comedian, David Cross, describing a different demographic on a different topic, those are some dumb fucking people
Because without indictments there is no fraud and therefore we’ve been lied to on a daily basis since this whole thing started. As an auditor this makes me so angry!! 😡
You’d think the insanity of that day would mean the the world would never have got to where it is now. And yet here we are, with multiple trade and military conflicts and a global recession on the cards. Which one guy caused in less than three months. I hope America remembers they chose this.
One good thing about those people. They can now go to the Whitehouse to go inside to ask for a job in the new administration. I mean it was such a wonderful day filled with love and no violence.
Immediately stop using X Twitter or junk your Tesla or trade it in; hell I will total it for you, also Facebook, Instagram, threads, Amazon, Coke brothers, etc. they're all involved with Trump's oligarchism takeover now"! (Noting) stop funding someone trying to control you or destroy your...
freedoms and democracy. also they are connected to multiple other products or entities, do your research, etc. "We all survived before they ever existed"!
Thank you for posting this everyday...I have copied and posted where it applies. Twitter used to have an area to save tweets to repost as needed but I do not see that type of thing here...please let me know if there is such a place. a fellow resister.
There are people imprisoned longer for stealing a snickers bar than assaulting the capital police & disrupting the transfer of power. This guy will always be a thug and a mobster. Nothing better.
I am going to post this everyday. We must stop them. If you haven't read trump's 2025 manifesto, here are the cliff notes. Read it and rage. Then donate to causes that can stop him snd pass it on.
Evil is the new norm.
Better angels must keep speaking out. There’s more good in us than doom in them.
Thank you Morgan.
Now he’s running the country with his executive orders, defying courts orders. Typical criminal, behaviour.
I stand against
We must start new and vote EVERY single GOP member out. 🇺🇸📢🇺🇸
But you have a big trumpet.
Think of something good to trumpet too.
Advertise for coming rallies like April 5th or something.
Be a builder, not just a screamer. We are all screaming inside. We need a choir to sing with. #Resist
Kudos, so grateful to these talented folk. Made me sob like a baby🎯💙💪🇺🇸
The Nazis will take over what's left. They just got started. You won't have MSNBC as you have now, 100% of the Internet, from Wikipedia to Bluesky, will be under their control!
The Nazis plotted the takeover of your country since the 1980s. They plotted already for it to last. No protests & elections would fix it. REVOLUTION!!!
I watched it live broadcast, like the rest of the world did.
It’s a miracle Daniel Hodges survived that.
the nazi movement never died .. :'(
Yet he threatens anyone who harms a Tesla with deportation.
The man’s a demon.
I guess dead and injured law enforcement officers don't count.