Hegseth deserves the extreme backlash. But let us not overlook the root: He is a symptom, a pathological manifestation of Trump. Same has to be said of the entire cabinet. Trump warned of an "internal enemy" (not China or Russia). We now understand this: it is Trump and his hand-picked snipers!
The other day when he was in the Oval Office giving his pep talk.. the camera cut to T and back to H, who was whipping something into his pocket when off camera.. makes ya wonder what else he does? He did his previous presser with a drink under the podium😜😳😳😳
I thought he would want AAA eggs
It just sets them up for a massive failure.
What about national security?
What about the espionage act?
Everybody everyday everybody everyday everybody everyday
Call out your elected officials now PLEASE
Senate 202 224-3121
House 202 225-3121
And don't forget the White House
202 225-3121