Let’s not forget that the draft-dodging convicted felon believes the Presidential Medal he SOLD to a donor is “much better” than the Congressional Medal of Honor because MoH heroes are usually wounded or dead.
Sadly this is now likely our future once martial law is declared. The difference will be that the system will be oppressing us, trying to round us up. They are just looking for a good enough reason to bring the hammer down on us, they just need favorable winds when just enough won't fight back.
Trump’s Plan:
1. Dismantle checks and balances
2. Engineer economic collapse
3. Blame Biden to rally public anger
4. Declare a national emergency
5. Push for centralised authoritarian control
6. Seize dictatorial authority
Dear US citizens!You are allowed to start petitions and to contact your politicians,e.g. via phone and mail. With enough power you can bring up new elections, legal and without violence.Your voice is stronger than you think. Build groups, be united! You are stronger! https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?OrderBy=state&Sort=ASC
I am going to post this everyday. We must stop them. If you haven't read trump's 2025 manifesto, here are the cliff notes. Read it and rage. Then donate to causes that can stop him snd pass it on.
#Project2025IsTrumpAndVance https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025
Impeach all the traitors, and the orange idiot needs to serve his time.
(In the meantime make sure this is backed by up on an offshore server)
1. Dismantle checks and balances
2. Engineer economic collapse
3. Blame Biden to rally public anger
4. Declare a national emergency
5. Push for centralised authoritarian control
6. Seize dictatorial authority