In Survival of the Richest, suggests that the billionaire class is fully invested not just in profiting from civilisational collapse, but in consciously and actively hastening it. What we're seeing now is wholly in keeping with this thesis.
Reposted from
Matthew Gyamtso Jee
This is all a charade. This is really about climate chaos — creating it, bringing forward what the wealthy see as inevitable. The wealthy do not see themselves as being in the same boat as the rest of us. Bruno Latour saw this coming. Know your people. Know your food. Know your water.
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There are less than 5000 Billionaires trying to kill off US the working poor of the World!
We must worked collectively to rid ourselves of this menace to ourselves and all life on earth. The Oligarch plan is to have US kill each other over food! Fuck that!
Fuck Mars, Don't waste our Money on some
Doped up Madmans dream!
Our Money is better spent on our Mother🥰 Mother Earth
The only one who truly gives US what we need🤗