I have found this season so uninteresting. Like, I only care about Aimee Lou Wood's character and that's only because ALW is a goddamn icon. The pace feels so slow and the characters aren't grabbing me! I want better! Especially in this moment in the world!
-Jason Isaac family annihilation
- Walter Goggins pisses off some Thai gang while trying to avenge his father
- Greg pulls some shit again with his weird homosexual mob connections
So at the beginning of every season someone ends up dead but you don’t know who. Thus, as you meet your cast of characters, it’s up to the viewer to decide who the victim and murderer are.
The cast is largely made up of the worst rich people you’ve ever encountered.
-Jason Isaac family annihilation
- Walter Goggins pisses off some Thai gang while trying to avenge his father
- Greg pulls some shit again with his weird homosexual mob connections
The cast is largely made up of the worst rich people you’ve ever encountered.