I’ve been researching case law for 34 years. If you’ll allow me, I’d like to give you some information that will help you research better.
I know the vast majority of people who support Trump are Patriots and believe in America.
I’ve been researching case law for 34 years. If you’ll allow me, I’d like to give you some information that will help you research better.
I know the vast majority of people who support Trump are Patriots and believe in America.
I want to explain how they are doing this, and how you can find out whether it is the people you have trusted who or lying,
I want to give you an example of the best lies, the lies that fool people.
I’ve done legal briefing in the courts for 34 years. Because I know the law so well, I can lie to you and you will believe me up until the day the cell door closes behind you.
Here’s how it’s done.
You ask me a question, or I’m talking to you about the law, and I’m trying to convince you to do something I will profit from at your expense.
I tell you 98% of the truth, and 2% lie.
There’s a word for this.
It’s called sophistry.
But what if it wasn’t a mistake?
What if it was just another lie, in a series of lies, that are intended to lead you into doing what they want to benefit them?