It really pisses me off how the media downplays this. Even here in Finland - largest newspaper says he did an "awkward hand symbol".
For fucks sake, call it like it is. Spineless, useless reporters - same goes for everything Orange Hitler says. Call him a criminal and dangerous liar, please. He is.
Yeah. I was rooting for the Belarussian uprising in 2020, things may have gone way differently if they managed to oust Lukašenka. Hope they manage to do it yet.
Like Americans chanted back during WW II, "The only good Nazi, is a dead Nazi"!
Bull shit! We want cheaper groceries, cheaper gas, cheaper rent and $17 per hour as the basic wage increase. Do it or we will all just stop working to hunt down oligarchy pukes like him to take it from by force! 😡
For fucks sake, call it like it is. Spineless, useless reporters - same goes for everything Orange Hitler says. Call him a criminal and dangerous liar, please. He is.
Bull shit! We want cheaper groceries, cheaper gas, cheaper rent and $17 per hour as the basic wage increase. Do it or we will all just stop working to hunt down oligarchy pukes like him to take it from by force! 😡