On March 18, 2014, a russian sniper in Crimea killed the first Ukrainian serviceman in this war — Serhiy Kokurin. At the time russia claimed no russian troops were in Crimea, insisting it was all so-called "local self-defense forces." Eleven years later russia continues to kill our best people.
Reposted from
Kiwi 🇺🇦
18 березня 2014 року російський снайпер в Криму вбив першого українського військового в цій війні - Сергія Кокуріна. В той час росія заявляла, що у Криму російських військових немає, це все так зване "місцеве ополчення". За 11 років росія продовжує вбивати наших найкращих людей
Well when does this stop
When Putin is gone that's when
Russian people get a bad rap because of Putin and his asset Krasnov
I am sure they are sick of their neighbors being killed so Putin can be more wealthy? Asshole POS
Through the smoke of today's Ukrainian sellout, Trump is trading Ukrainian children... he has conceded to Putin that the abducted children will no longer be tracked. In unspoken words, Trump has given Putin an assurance that he can keep the children.