I lived through the Seaver trade, too. They let Dick Young talk shit about him and his wife with no blowback. Grant was an utter disgrace;that was vindictive.
A generous 7 year deal ,and then a 3 year 90 million deal?
Yeah, we must have totally different definitions of 'vindictive'
I lived through the Seaver trade, too. They let Dick Young talk shit about him and his wife with no blowback. Grant was an utter disgrace;that was vindictive.
A generous 7 year deal ,and then a 3 year 90 million deal?
Yeah, we must have totally different definitions of 'vindictive'
They offered 3 years at 60-65
Ngl kinda disappointed in the Mets for this
They should have given him 30 a yr, he's earned it and really isn't THAT old, I mean how old will Soto be when his contract is over?
Like i said, disappointing to see them treat a homegrown guy like this