OH MY GOSH, I thought this was going to be pure chickadees but then a nuthatch showed up. HOW DO I FEED A NUTHATCH FROM MY HAND? I WILL DO ANYTHING, INCLUDING REFORMING THE NEPOTISTIC, CORRUPTED, POISONOUS GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. But hopefully it's easier...?
I think I need to get a mannequin with an outstretched hand and put suet nuggets in it every day. Then I will suddenly replace the mannequin with myself one day and be a Disney princess for a while. Off to shop for...mannequins? Hahaha
I was at a writing retreat years ago in SK, and honestly, the most fun I had was exactly what you’re doing here. My arm got a little tired, but so worth it!
worries will soon vanish into thin air. Like the birds.
Honestly, I don't know what to suggest except a lot of patience and some nuthatches that spend a lot of time with chickadees.
I think I need to get a mannequin with an outstretched hand and put suet nuggets in it every day. Then I will suddenly replace the mannequin with myself one day and be a Disney princess for a while. Off to shop for...mannequins? Hahaha