They don’t have a clue. They didn’t pay attention before the election except to maybe something they heard about the price of eggs or whatever. On Election Day they went “Yay! We won!” And then on Wednesday they went right back to not paying attention. They remain clueless.
Aren’t economists saying the high level of concern could destabilize the markets?
Curious if those at the top support his tariff plans. Does their tax break offset potential revenue losses when folks can’t afford to consume what they are selling?
and ,yet, they will somehow blame Biden and the Democrats when they lose their insurance, Medicare, Medicaid and eggs and diapers are double in price at Walmart. Their loyalty to their orange god is complete.
The very people who voted for him will feel the first affects of the fascist/racist regime.
Sadly ignorant minority’s screwed us all. I’m ashamed of my fellow Latinos who fell for the latrine scum n his lies
Curious if those at the top support his tariff plans. Does their tax break offset potential revenue losses when folks can’t afford to consume what they are selling?
Thats the problem.
Sadly ignorant minority’s screwed us all. I’m ashamed of my fellow Latinos who fell for the latrine scum n his lies