dont worry Im usually good at avoiding whatever Horrible Takes i see and Im not gonna do them the favor of spreading it. But it does make me really mad that people will define how good a story is based on how Hard it Is to Understand which makes no damn sense.
the "complexity" has to come with purpose which includes TONS of self awareness about what you want to be confusing vs what you dont. if you want to introduce a complex concept it HAS to be balanced with something simple in order for it to be worth engaging.
its like puzzle making in a way. the solution has to exist one way or another, a bigger picture on what is to be understood about any sort of story that is otherwise ever expanding. . stories that are meant to be told with effort from the engager to piece it together NEED to be easy to talk about
and yes just bc a complex story gets a lot attention doesnt always mean its good attention. not to use fnaf as an example but it is like. the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to messy storytelling with sloppy lore yet it benefits from an audience that likes a set of ideas
in general having an audience-dependant narrative thats only """"good"""" outside of the source material makes my eyes roll and it makes me mad when more "simpler" stories get shat on just bc it "isnt that deep". like fucking whatever man.
TBH WITH KINGDOM HEARTS i dont take it to seriously because at the end of the day its just Disney Properties on top of Disney Properties n 100% couldnt exist without being reminded of its brand. I cant properly give it the time or day or judgement bc of that 😭
i will because i was forced to listen to my peers in high school talk about how """good""" and """intricate""" its story was, when it was a convoluted mess, and they thought that "convoluted" meant "good"
my catharsis from the overall disappointment of kh3 was immeasurable
my catharsis from the overall disappointment of kh3 was immeasurable