Well, she does have that super strength (which I use to explain her absurdly high lung capacity) and I envision her to be rather tall. However, I kinda envision her as more of a "teddy bear top" if you ever heard of that term. Maybe she's holding Kanako down to teach a lesson on how she felt lmao.
I think she could go hard or soft depending on how much you lean on her idealistic image or her duplicitous past. Though sadly, I'm not much one for soft domming myself. (The concubine series is a bit of an exception there.)
Now that's an interesting thought. There's a few I've considered switches (like Tenshi), but Byakuren... hm. I could kinda see it, and it seems like it'd be a kinda interesting scenario.
now admittedly I ain’t one for byakuren having sex but this piqued my interested.