Its very linear and story based, There's some open exploration going from town to town and theres some things you can do to explore but it isn't open world
Remake isn't very open world but Rebirth is much more so, that being said neither truly is. Rebirth is very much large zones tied together. They can both be major timesinks with side content.
I think your enjoyment will probably be tied into how much you like FF7 and how much you end up vibing with the combat system. It can be really fun to learn the intricacies of it and how to get the most out of taking enemies down.
Remake is pretty linear (and moments that do feel like they drag on a little longer than necessary), but otherwise still a fun time. Rebirth is where it gets massive, but also still linear if you don't feel like exploring the continents fully.
It’s pretty linear with some light exploration and no true open world since the game takes place entirely in Midgar. An average completionist run takes around 40-50ish hours
It’s an incredibly good game!
It’s an incredibly good game!