OK like I know our country’s slide into fascism isn’t funny but “the plane crashed bc of DEI” is actually hilarious??? I can’t get over it. DEI ate my homework. DEI stole your lunch money. DEI forged a Rembrandt. What are you TALKING ABOUT. I hate him so much
This administration wants to roll back 150 years of civilization and make everyone slaves to the white industrial barons that effed things up a century ago.
He'll never be my president.
Fuck Trump.
And let's face it, everything the fascists are doing fundamentally goes against the teachings of the Christian God.
So, of course they don't want anything DEI.
They're 100% aware that the hate of the American people is the only way they have power, so they lean into it at every opportunity.
It keeps people stupid and distracted, and tragically, it works too well.
This is something @democrats.org could do and it will overwhelmingly win the elections, but they’re bought off by the wealthy also.
Inherent racism.
But using it for a plane crash is just another tactic for Trump.
He’s not bright enough to come up with any real solutions.