Sadly not surprised. Pointing out effects of his actions on people won’t change his mind. Pointing to effects on the economy (like farmers selling to USAID) might. But I read today that he wants to crash the economy so he can fire more people. Also ketamine use may be a factor.
My current hypothesis is close to that: MAGA is the absolute lack of empathy for people outside their small circle. Sometimes that circle is as small as themselves.
In the film SingSing the claim is that participation in the drama programme hugely decreases the risk of repeat offences. Walking around in someone else's skin helps create empathy.
Empathy is arguably the single characteristic that defines human beings. Being able to understand the viewpoint of others is a crucial aspect of human cooperation which is the foundation of every single things humans have ever done in our history.
More analytically, empathy as "understanding the viewpoint of others" is necessary for behaviours like deceit, and could be said to be the condition of possibility for being an animal in a world of scarcity - I understand my prey is not seeing me, I project mental states from external behaviours
Ah ! My friend, I think a little dive into Wikipedia pages on ethology will satisfy your curiosity. Love and empathy are found everywhere in other mammals or birds, and precedes the genus Homo. I personally think they are animality's greatest success. Bonobos may be a good place to start ?
I wonder what the neurological analysis of an Elon brain suggests…neurodiverse brains may need support in understanding the cues and if you’re not exposed to how to engage empathy, it may not be something you just pick up along the way
People w/autism don't lack the ability to empathize w/others, but they CAN lack the communication skills to express it in ways that neurotypicals recognize. The expression piece of it can be taught.
Musk & Trump just grew up w/people who lacked empathy themselves. And now we all are paying for it 🤷🏼♀️
If by western civilisation Musk means the colonisation and enslavement of Africa, the Americas, Australasia and much of Asia by Europeans, then he may have a point that their brutal exploitation got a bit diluted by empathy. That's woke for you. Bring back slavery and white supremacy!
a question humanity needs to answer for its survival is why people with no empathy, and clearly there is none here, cruise into positions of power. And why empathy is seen as weak and immature (the left is often viewed as immature isn't it?)
Mr. Gilbert nailed it. MAGA mofos view kindness as weakness. MAGA is just the KKK and Nazi party rolled into one. They just traded the white hoods and brown shirts for red hats.
Musk and his ilk aren’t just incapable of empathy, they believe it’s evil. Someone (maybe it was Elon, I can’t remember) posted “empathy is a sin”. I was gobsmacked. Possibly the most awful belief I’ve ever heard a person express.
Musk has never known any hardship, or never been told he can't get what he wants, that creates a lack of empathy or humanity, because you've never had that feeling, he's a narcissistic man child scumbag, so there is that too.
Until we fully understand that oligarchs and those creatures who covet power are monsters, not human, not psychos, not evil but actual fucking monsters we stay blind. They call for war against imaginary enemies who are their co-conspirators. When they call for death of one people, it's all of us.
gasp some more when you find out why the Vatican kept their mouth shut during the entire #Holocaust
they borrowed 10million D-Mark from Hitler and in return they should shut up about the Holocaust.
so thats a religion millions see themselves using their love for instead of projecting it to people
Which is among the reasons why Fascists (and all authoritarians, really) attack the schools, libraries, and all the core, right-brain subjects of the Humanities — Art, Literature, History, Music, Philosophy, Social Studies.
“Rain does not follow the plow. Freedom, whatever market evangelists may tell us, is not an automatic by-product of a growing economy; democratic institutions do not spring up, like flowers at the feet of the magi, in the tire tracks of commerce. They require a different kind of tending.”
“The Humanities, done right, are the crucible within which our evolving notions of what it means to be fully human are put to the test; they teach us, incrementally, endlessly, not what to do, but HOW to be.“
“Their method is confrontational, their domain unlimited, their ‘product’ not truth but the reasoned search for truth, their ‘success’ something very much like Frost’s momentary stay against confusion.”
“They are thus, inescapably, political. Why? Because they complicate our vision, pull our most cherished notions out by the roots, flay our pieties. Because they grow uncertainty.“
PROFOUNDLY critical, because Fascists all possess a horrible, totally unwarranted certainty of their “correctness.”
Musk & Trump just grew up w/people who lacked empathy themselves. And now we all are paying for it 🤷🏼♀️
I've been saying this for years.
When "the world" allowed him to buy #Twitter, I got physically sick.
All he's done is prove me right since.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Level 2: empathy
Level 3: compassion
Let’s get to doing something to prevent others having to suffer as we have. There’s your super power. Selfless aid.
they borrowed 10million D-Mark from Hitler and in return they should shut up about the Holocaust.
so thats a religion millions see themselves using their love for instead of projecting it to people
its pinned on my wall if you need to watch it again some time.
Which is among the reasons why Fascists (and all authoritarians, really) attack the schools, libraries, and all the core, right-brain subjects of the Humanities — Art, Literature, History, Music, Philosophy, Social Studies.
This statement by Epictetus was quoted in an amazing article in Harper’s Magazine entitled, “Dehumanized: When math and science rule the school.”
It’s a stirring critique of the way our civic education has been very intentionally abandoned by “The Powers That Be.”
“Rain does not follow the plow. Freedom, whatever market evangelists may tell us, is not an automatic by-product of a growing economy; democratic institutions do not spring up, like flowers at the feet of the magi, in the tire tracks of commerce. They require a different kind of tending.”
PROFOUNDLY critical, because Fascists all possess a horrible, totally unwarranted certainty of their “correctness.”