"We're facing the most acute debt crisis in history, spending more on debt servicing than providing vital public services... We are in a jubilee year - as said in the bible, let's be open hearted and give what is needed. Not generosity but JUSTICE"
Wise and important words from MP Brian Mathew
Wise and important words from MP Brian Mathew
"[This bill] addresses the structural inequalities of colonialism, which have been instrumental in creating the debt that we are addressing today" - MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy
- MP Monica Harding
No. Just really, No. Freedom is not a tool of the global north to use to 'develop' the global south.
Debt has always been used as a tool of exploitation, debt cancellation should address this, not be seen as another way to wield a colonial tool.
Read more here: https://debtjustice.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Supporter-Briefing-Legislative-Ask-Aug-2024-v5-Digital.pdf
Much more to be done, but justice is certainly around the corner.