To make gaming friends, to have fun. To find people outside of my forced geographic location and learn about just... more! It's been an amazing two years I don't plan on stopping
Truthfully, it was and is the way I share my interests and stories with my friends and now a community that Ive surprisingly built around this. It was to help be positive while I was dealing with a lot of grief in my life.
I just like to make and share things. Show-and-tell was my favourite day in Kindergarten. :P I've been drawing since I could hold a crayon. I sew, paint, craft. I would do dance too, if I weren't so sick all the time (which is why I'm trying to fund a walking pad, so I don't die.)
Originally to build a bigger audience so I could pull in more people to donate for charity when the computer/gaming store I used to work at would participate in Extra Life.
It's fun and I've kept at it long after the store closing. Still raise money for charity and have made great friends.
Got chronic illness, moved from a mega city abroad to the woods in my home country where I didn't know anyone and really needed some social interactions.
I always wanted to create. I've seen since I was little. I was a YouTuber since 14ish, then stopped around 21. What gave me that last push to start Vtubing at 21 was my friend showing me how much fun I had. With a little dash of spite & wanting to share my love for games
Im a Perler Bead Artist and started when my son was diagnosed with a brain tumor,to keep my mind off stuff and stay busy,and to try to make extra income
More serious answer: for actual stability in my depresso-chugging brain, and to chill with friendos and make new friendos.
It's fun and I've kept at it long after the store closing. Still raise money for charity and have made great friends.
Especially minecraft "creators" LOL