Finally streamed the other day and got a new first time chatter--it was a bot selling views. Like bruh, anyone who buys views doesn't respect themselves, bugger off. XD
If you're on Twitch, I HIGHLY suggest you get Sery-bot. It handles those bots as well as a lot of other moderation stuff to keep you and your community safe!
I mostly deal with things myself (I get an average of 5-7 viewers a stream) but every now and then a mod with catch things before I do lol
most of my "first time chatters" tend to actually be real people as the bots tend to get flagged by twitch before their chat message is sent
Most of the time I get this question it’s either about my gender/voice or just something related to my avatar or how I play the current game
most of my "first time chatters" tend to actually be real people as the bots tend to get flagged by twitch before their chat message is sent