this is a very good point, though re:transit, the bus service discrepancy is still evident in the US cases comparable to canadian ones.
many west coast cities have similar density profiles to canadian cities thanks to their UGBs forcing denser suburbs (LA and the bay especially)
many west coast cities have similar density profiles to canadian cities thanks to their UGBs forcing denser suburbs (LA and the bay especially)
Reposted from
Stephen Jacob Smith
The hill that I will die on is that Canadian and U.S. suburbs have very different built environments. Canadian suburbs are rarely much less dense than a streetcar or railroad suburb in the U.S. They are denser and therefore can support sidewalks and bus service that U.S. suburbs cannot.
many cases of bay area suburbs with a 30min+ walk to a bus route, which is rarer in toronto area suburbs. it comes down to US austerity.
though in that case, you could raise DC or chicago which have strong city centre employment
In Chicago service falls off a cliff immediately outside the city. I'm 0.5 miles from city limits in dense Evanston but our bus doesn't run Sundays or past 8pm :(