this seems like a cube that noxious gearhulk would be very good in, my favorite card here is probably workhorse cause i like playing around with counters like that
Dismember is the pick, smokestack is my favorite even though it isn't good, vandalblast or painter's servant are my least favorite here because I don't think vandalblast is great outside of commander (unless this is specifically an artifact cube?) and I'm too dumb to know what to do with painter lol
Favorite: Lake of the Dead; making absurd amounts of mana while destroying your land base is a fun time.
Least Favorite: Contamination, has a high cost, but says "you don't get to play the game". Also nonbo w/Lake.
Fav is smokestack, I don’t like anybody having anything
Least is prob painters servant, does nothing most of the time unless you specifically get a grindstone, which can be counter picked easy