I’ve been thinking about doing trope/cover reveals for upcoming novels, but I cannot for the life of me find decent templates. And let’s be real—my graphic design skills are not nearly good enough to make one from scratch. Anyone know where to find good templates? 😅


Thank you for the idea of what templates I need to make next in my shop! https://payhip.com/WolfsparrowCovers

I have seasonal ones in here but this is a great idea!
Glad to be inspiring!
Also, please do—just browsed through your shop, and I love the aesthetic. Your prices are super affordable too! I’ll have to do a deep dive after the weekend, but I’ve already seen a couple that caught my attention 😉
Oh nice! I have some MM premades coming up this spring as well, so keep your eye out!
If you don’t find anything you like for troupe reveals send me a DM I have Canva Pro and maybe we can come
Up with branded template for you together. (I’m Looking to make more authors friends!)
Thank you for the offer—I just might have to take you up on it! Right now my “day job” has me swamped (weekends for nightlife workers 😅), but on Monday, I’ll be trying a few more things.
Either way, I’d love to be your friend! 😉
This site is great for book cover designs for promo and it's free. Have used it many times, and it's a great place to start once you have your cover. https://diybookcovers.com/3Dmockups/
Thank you! That has been one of my biggest issues—I could not for the life of me get the cover to align properly on a 3D book or kindle design! 😅
I’ll be sure to check it out 😁
Have fun! It's addictive. 😂
I made mine in Canva and kept it super simple. The background image is classical art that fits the vibe, in the center is the book cover, and next to it the tropes written down. That's it 😅
I’ve tried to do that in Canva too, but aligning the book cover correctly on a Kindle graphic is impossible (because I’m that useless, apparently 😅).
And don’t even get me started on all the tiny decisions—I’m not good with that. Took me months to settle in a consistent look for the books’ covers 😂
I can imagine! I could try making mine into a template if that's helpful but maybe it's not 😅