we all thought Twitter’s collapse would be swift and sudden like the fall of the Roman Empire but instead it’s been a steady, irreversible decay like the fall of the Roman Empire
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Honestly it feels more like that time I agreed to go on a waterpark ride that scared me with the kids, and we sat on an inflatable raft circling the world's biggest toilet bowl for what seemed like a quarter of my life...
Collapse of immense structures is usually death by a 1000 cuts. Impressive how well built twitter was for it to withstand this level of fuckery. I was kinda surprised, but shouldnt have been tbh.
It has been quick relative to the size of user base, it takes real skill to fuk up a huge somewhat loved platform this quickly. It's like steering an air craft carrier into a reef.
When Twitter is sacked, will the majority of its inhabitants be Christian, and will a third of its sackers be Mormons? (or some other modern analog of Arianism as followed by 5th century-CE Germanic tribes)
A weird fact I like throw out there is that Christopher Columbus was born BEFORE the end the Roman Empire. Need to find a better reference point but can’t really think of anything else from that era that most folks know.
On a more serious note, Twitter's collapse is most like the fall of the Holy Roman Empire: a long series of crises that chip away at its borders and weaken its central authority until it's a bit player just waiting to be ended by the next Big Thing.
Ah, I see. You've got the supernova as the sudden dramatic end, but also the long tail of infighting between warlords and the Tal Shiar scrambling for control of suddenly-independent colonies...
Maybe it's helpful to see Blue Sky as the Byzantine Empire, preserving the traditions of Roman civilisation for centuries after the Western Empire was overwhelmed by barbarians?
I'm still REELING from the fact that the root of Twitter's collapse is Musk's daughter was getting support from the LGBTQ+ community. I couldn’t imagine buying an entire platform, destroying it from the inside, and taking banks down with you, all because not everyone is a bigot.
Yeah, the Roman Empire got retread for a while when the Pontifex Maximus crowned Charlemagne Emperor, and then in the 20th Century some other dude we don't like to talk about built what he hoped would be another round of Empire.
Yeah, there seem to be enough people that for whatever reason whether it’s follower account or whatever just refuse to leave Twitter and until that happens, that thing is going to somehow be alive.
Ha, same! After the first sentence, I was all ready to “But….” Then I read the second sentence and laughed. Kudos to the author for an actually accurate statement about the Fall of the Western Roman Empire.
that might be true and personally I hope it is but... this morning the first place I heard about the mass shooting in Maine was ... Twitter/X - several hours before it broke into the mainstream media
Yeah, maybe I'm missing the point, but this would make a lot more sense if he said the quick one was the fall of the Roman Republic and the slow one was the fall of the Roman Empire
it is funny because the old thinking about the Roman Empire having a definite sudden collapse has been long displaced academically but is still used as a common metaphor
Sorta like when you're listening to the History of Rome podcast and he's wrapping up Julius Caesar and the descent into military dictatorship and the early, insane emperors we all know about and then you notice there's another 100 episodes to go
The fall of the Roman Empire ushered the Dark Ages though even then, there were pockets of hope which led to the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution so I'm stocking up on popcorn.
weil superquote für podcast whenever ifever
*not as WE would describe it but pretty damn progressive for the time.
Turns out it was even better than that!
Twitter: Welcomed invaders. Invading force is illegal in Germany.
(what, I wonder, will play the part of Napoleon?)
I am confused because the sex of the angels is for years being discussed on twitter.
A) fell suddenly
B) fell gradually
C) did not fall :)
TwiXter: I got a few more posts left in me, I can feel it.
(exactly 1 year btw 😭😭😭)
oh nvm
Who's gunna shank Elon then? 🤔
There are two kinds of people:
Those who think Elon Musk is the new Henry Ford.