🚨🚨🚨Updates are coming for the MIUViG standards/checklist 🚨🚨🚨
If you work with uncultivated virus genomes (i.e. from metaG, metaT, etc), have tried to submit these genomes to a database and found some issues/suggestions, or tried to use these data and have comments/thoughts, please share them !!
If you work with uncultivated virus genomes (i.e. from metaG, metaT, etc), have tried to submit these genomes to a database and found some issues/suggestions, or tried to use these data and have comments/thoughts, please share them !!
Reposted from
Luke Hillary
We're looking for suggestions on how to update and adapt the Minimum Information about an Uncultured Viral Genome (MIUVIG) reporting standard. What works? What needs updating? Check out the survey forms.gle/DPHvMFe8Gsdj... 🧵