I've come to love Bell, Book and Candle—which I came to very late, somehow—so much that it makes me a little sad that most directors seemed to have no idea how to frame Kim's charm and appeal. There should be a lot more classic Kim movies than, alas, there are.
Reposted from
Benjamin Dreyer
Happy birthday, Kim Novak!
I saw her introduce Vertigo. Rarely seen someone so calmly self-possessed. 1/2
I'll put it on the list!
Because I'd've liked that.
(I wonder if that's in LG's Laughing Matters, which I worked on but no longer have a copy of. I got to talk to him a couple of times on the phone, and boy was he nice!)
I corresponded with Gelbart for years, having first encountered him on the newsgroup alt.tv.mash in 1996. When I wanted to write a college paper on Barbarians and Weapons, he sent me the screenplays.