Isn't that last part a lot of why they were so unhappy with the Biden and Harris campaigns' media engagement?
(but it sounds like this person reporting it like a happy little seal)
The billionaire-owned MSM is nearly irrelevant, the fascists are right about that, and they couldn't be happier. But they didn't destroy it, it committed suicide.
MAGA might want to wait a bit before spiking the ball tho - the truth is not dead yet. Something new will rise in the MSMs place.
Lmao she came out like every one of Trumps previous - combative, ignorant, and full of pride she doesn’t deserve for being the real “didnt earn it” employee.
I wonder when they say "mass media", they realize Fox News #1 cable news channel and their MAGA folks in talk radio and podcasts all have the most popular shows.
Oh yeah, the accidental Hitler quote. It happens to everyone.. One minute you're trying a new Boulevardier recipe and the next you're quoting a random former German leader, making Roman salutes and getting ancient christian symbol tattooed on your chest, then everyone gets offended.
There's a certain amount of irony in a mouthpiece of the fascist oligarchy, who are the ONES WHO RUINED AMERICANS' TRUST IN THE MASS MEDIA, bitching that Americans don't trust the mass media.
What a smug little bastard. Accountability stories?? Where? Oooohhh shame on you BlueSky, you should be sharing more of the NYT fishwrap I mean ACCOUNTABILITY STORIES.
Her obvious faith in Christ, as proven by the large cross against her black turtleneck blouse, makes her steely and defiant. Also, it shows what a piece of shit she is.
That "press conference" was a total barf fest. Nothing but vomiting out propaganda and praise for the #FelonInChief like the convict is some sort of divine deity. I had to turn it off
(but it sounds like this person reporting it like a happy little seal)
Brutal own, honestly
Good reporters burst Trump LYING Bubbles which are what his entire FACADE of being a Leader depends on.
So we probably won’t have very many Press Secretary Press Conferences bc Trump will be in CONTROL of THE STORY so HE can BLAME others.
MAGA might want to wait a bit before spiking the ball tho - the truth is not dead yet. Something new will rise in the MSMs place.
A performance worthy of a North Korean news reader...
Maybe he should receive some feedback
Me: "Nah Mom, I was just steely and unflinching."
Not exactly a typo.
Unflinching = Lying
You think the whole WH isn't making dog-command jokes behind his back, while he's watching her fawn over him on the TV?
This is gross.
..I'm thinking they're not sending us their 'best girls',..yet.
$5 tricks, are a joke, in this day and age.