Can you give a little more information about your work in statistical ecology? From your profile and website I can only see that you mostly work on modeling in economics, not statistical ecology.
I develop and use hierachical models for estimating population sizes, distributions, and species interactions to inform evidence-based management and conservation of wildlife populations.
Hey! I'd love to be added. I'm doing lots of work on species distribution models as well as some work on detection probability and N-mixture models.
Thanks and looking forward to following your updates as well!
Thanks, sounds relevant, I've added you! I haven't heard of recurrence plots before, do you have any go-to references that can gently introduce them to me? 😁
This is really powerful tool for characterizing different qualities of dynamics and their temporal evolution. Here is an example from my own research, we've here detected "time anomalous" community state coordinated between two taxonomic groups and driven by global event:
They originated in the dynamics systems and theoretical physics community. They gaining popularity in climatology and geosciences. And through me in paleoecology and more recently in macroevolution :) Here is a great source by .
Could you add me? I use hierarchical Bayesian models to fuse together tree ring time series and forest inventory data to quantify Forest carbon dynamics in demographic models. And other stuff…
Sure ! I'm in my second year of PhD, working on the macroevolution and biogeography of tetrapod vertebrates. So I'm not a pure statistician but I obviously have to deal with statistical tests like PGLS, GAM, Spearman, etc. Keeping updated of the latest news in Statistical Ecology would help me a lot
However, if you want to keep updated you don't need to be part of the pack - you can follow the people in the starter pack, so that you will see their statistical ecology skeets come by on your timeline.
I develop and use hierachical models for estimating population sizes, distributions, and species interactions to inform evidence-based management and conservation of wildlife populations.
Thanks and looking forward to following your updates as well!
We develop methods on the analysis of beta diversity. We maintain R package betapart
We have just created the account and will start posting in a couple of days