How does he go from caring about prosperity in Europe, to after a visit with Putin, becoming a nazi minion. Sounds like mindecontroll from a sci-fi story.
I think Jon Stewart made a good summarization. The reason MAGA (& moderate Republicans) want to align with Russia (or can accept it) is because of their obsessive hatred of everyone and everything they consider 'woke'. Europe is too 'woke', whilst Russia is not. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Last I checked all the sanctions are still in place. Do you get a cookie for your Democrat talking point? It's not like Biden was in any way muscular here.
They may be in place, but the task forces charged with enforcing the sanctions have already been disbanded.
While Biden was far from effective on Ukraine, Trump seems to be pushing to end the war for the benefit of Russia, not the free world. We don't need another Czechoslovakia 1938 'peace' deal.
Pam Bondi literally said she disbanded the taskforce. "This policy requires a fundamental change in mindset and approach," Bondi wrote in the directive, adding that resources now devoted to enforcing sanctions and seizing the assets of oligarchs will be redirected to countering cartels."
Nikita Khrushchev, 1956
While Biden was far from effective on Ukraine, Trump seems to be pushing to end the war for the benefit of Russia, not the free world. We don't need another Czechoslovakia 1938 'peace' deal.
Foreign Influence Task Force (
It’s not like an employee but the boss.