we ramp open the FAR nozzle - and have no limits on building depth. so we get massive buildings that are essentially hotels, full of studios and 1 bedrooms. little privacy. little space for trees or climate adaptation.
and open space/courtyards - but generally not much space for trees or blue green infrastructure - unless the buildings are spread much further... in which case there's less housing.
The courtyards are planted, usually - the older buildings have wings and then the courtyards are smaller and less planted, but the new buildings don't have wings and then the courtyards are larger.
we ramp open the FAR nozzle - and have no limits on building depth. so we get massive buildings that are essentially hotels, full of studios and 1 bedrooms. little privacy. little space for trees or climate adaptation.
we can prioritize housing *and* trees... and nature and blue-green infrastructure.
try a cube or if flat - hex
and open space/courtyards - but generally not much space for trees or blue green infrastructure - unless the buildings are spread much further... in which case there's less housing.