2015 there were only 15 PAs working in general practice. There has been a significant rise in their use since, without “having a really clear idea of what the scope of practice is”. Maybe seeing chronic disease or a review.
Not undiagnosed patients on presentation
Not undiagnosed patients on presentation
In my new hometown, I'm pleased to have found an NP with gerontology training. -E
Quit whining & help!
I can’t find a General practice MD to be my PMD
Those bitching about the solution should get out of the way of those solving the problem
Whatever happened to the 40 new hospitals???
(Unless it’s in the bedroom and they are fit enough to pull it off).
We shouldn’t be saving money on the back of patients and undermining trust in the system.
Sometimes even just to begin understanding what research should be done one must have access to the history of patient.