The next year, the USA comes in and occupies Haiti and subjects the people to horrible and abusive actions for the next 19 years. We learn in school that the start of the invasion was the murder of Vilbrun Guillaume Sam in the French embassy by the people, but that's not the whole story.
The USA believed that only they, as a force for good, could come in and help Haiti from the situation it was in. If not them, then Europe would. This was their backyard, so they'd handle it.
Smedley D. Butler, in his book "War is a Racket," called himself a "racketeer for capitalism" for participating in this farce, and he absolutely was. The United States, under the influence of Citigroup's predecessor, stole our money, killed our people, and destroyed our nation.
At least, that's what they claimed.
I do think it's interesting, however, how much lining the pockets of the rich and protecting capitalism is such a core aspect of the USA government.