and this post will get you a cluster of blocks on #BlueSky. Some ppl don't want to hear even the most gentle criticism of establishment dems. Even when the Dems ABSOLUTELY deserve it.
Abandon the Democratic Party. Become an independent and choose the best candidate, not a perpetually losing party of corporatists and power hungry do nothings.
I have been a registered Democrat since 2008 and always vote blue. But after this election I am seriously considering changing my registration back to Independent. It won’t change how I vote, but maybe it will send some kind of message?
I am not a Democrat any longer. It breaks my heart, but my lifelong party is failing to stop facism. Worse, they aren’t even trying. I will not give a nickel to the DNC.
Obama ran a hugely successful email campaign back in '08, which started Democrats and Republicans alike down this path of "We have a crisis! Send money!" email programs (many of which, I suspect, are for-profit). Dems in particular seem addicted to it - and little inclined to do one damn thing ELSE.
Yeah. Reps know who isn't holding town halls. Dem reps should go to their district and hold one for them and say all are welcome, and then tell them what they are doing and more importantly how their rep is lying to them.
It's going to take people who believe justice is not a crime. And will walk that walk in any way they can until the tyrants turn tail, which they should have already, they're sitting ducks & universally hated. Courage is contagious. No act of resistance is too small. But not enough can come too late
This is perfect. Between Jefferies wringing his hands and Schumer standing behind a podium talking about it and others like AOC and Jasmine Crockett are doing leg work day after day. We might need a change in leadership.
I will never believe that *thing* legitimately won this election.
Musk and trump are cons and criminals.. we see how musk’s hackers hacked into our dept of treasury and SS and Medicare..
we really believe he didn’t hack our election that he paid for! 🤬
Trump even said as much. Elon really knows those voting machines. We won Pennsylvania. He can't keep his mouth shut.
I was deeply disappointed how easily the dems rolled over.
But for decades ITS always been "ABOUT THE MONEY" Lobbyists and fundraising takes up over 50% of the time a House Member in Congress spends in a 2 yr term to GET RE-ELECTED.
Totally agree; never really thought it was true until now. Just watching what’s happening. 🤷♂️. Feels like they have no other answers on what to do besides “need more money “.
I'll add that not a one of those emails explain anything they'll do with the donations besides start running for the next election. The call to action can't just be help us win and we'll fight so good in two years.
Frankly, Scarlet, I don't give a damn.
Their blocks won't silence me.
Abandon the Democratic Party. Become an independent and choose the best candidate, not a perpetually losing party of corporatists and power hungry do nothings.
I unsubscribe and tell them why.. the next day they come right back and ask for donations again..
I can not in good conscience bring myself to donate a penny for similar reasons.
Unfortunately , either would require a Time Machine.
“He who acts to save his country from tyranny, terrorism, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
Win or Lose they are always winners in their eyes.
TBF, they lost for several reasons but the biggest one is that Musk tampered with the election.
Musk and trump are cons and criminals.. we see how musk’s hackers hacked into our dept of treasury and SS and Medicare..
we really believe he didn’t hack our election that he paid for! 🤬
I’m furious!
I was deeply disappointed how easily the dems rolled over.
Pass it on.
If money is their only motivation then we have elected the wrong lawmakers.
That remains to be seen.
Why the FUCK did they vote to confirm any of his nominees?
If truth were told I bet a lot of them are on the same payrolls as Rs.
( courtesy )