I’m not even Jewish and yet on the basis of my mixed ancestry and complicated upbringing I have been called upon too many times to offer opinions on whether pork from the replicators is kosher
(At first I thought “yes d’oraisa, no d’rabonnen” because of scandal—lest people say “those Jews found a way to make pork kosher”—but I decided that in the 23d century everyone knows replicator meat isn’t really meat from animals, so it’s all kosher and pareve.)
All of the details and contingencies, no matter how obscure, have been worked out.
"You've not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon." -Chancellor Gorkon, Star Trek VI: The Undisvoered Country
It is well known that Klingons have redundant organs. I assume this includes the foreskin. So my question is, do they need to be circumcised twice?
Thanks in advance