Like all of my project titles "Where fools fear to tread" was a dumb thing I named the folder when I started the project and never came up with anything better.
I think the idea was that self destructive people are scared of the obvious good things that would make any normal person happy.
I think the idea was that self destructive people are scared of the obvious good things that would make any normal person happy.
Reposted from
Dazed and Wandering
Honestly my chapter titles are probably one of the bits I take the most joy in with this project, and probably the thing that gets zero recognition.
(Just wait until I do the obvious thing and drop “angels rush in”)
(Just wait until I do the obvious thing and drop “angels rush in”)
This was just a paraphrase of the line "hell is other people" from "No Exit" by Jean-Paul Sartre, because the lack of institutionalized punishment in this setting in hell always fascinated me, the denizens of hell are jerks because everyone is a jerk.
This is the only one that's a reference to the story itself. Dilla talked about moving on and settling into a new normal. This chapter jumps ahead to the comfortable status quo Dilla and Arty found 15 years later, and it's not... great, then we fill in context later.
Because this chapter is jumping back, and alternating between bits of Arty and Dilla's story, I named it after the Japanese art of restoring pottery with precious metals. Putting together the scattered messy pieces of their lives, and I think it will be beautiful in the end.
"Angels rush in" aside from being the obvious second half of this stories title, it may point to a general mindset angels in this setting have been proven to have.