"but why vegeta didnt turn ssj3 when Bweerus hit Bul--" π omg, maybe when people get angry theyre not rational?? it's an emotional response- he was hitting the destroyer, the character Vegeta was shaking his boots when he was around, and you'll expect him to act rational when he's upset? come on...
It makes a lot more sense for him to just flip out and tap into some new wellspring of power he'd never used before.
Besides, BoG is set a couple of years after Daima, so Vegeta had plenty of time to abandon 3 and start working towards some next level. His "My Bulma!" power-up might reflect that work,or not.
It's still such an amazing scene
If someone is having an angry outburst of emotions that's probably not the form they are going to be using for it as well π
Krillin destroyed the device over a peck on the cheek.
Goku gave Cell a senzu.
The bros are not okay.
The worst part is poor Trunks, the voice of reason, getting a one shot. Tori was a meanie.
That's LOVE.
That whole scene is masterful...the way Toriyama set it up by demonstrating Vegeta's FEAR of Beerus by having him sacrifice the ONE THING he prizes among everything else...his Saiyan PRIDE
That's how much he FEARS Beerus in that moment...he is willing to be FOOLISH in front of everyone...to sacrifice his PRIDE.
But when Beerus hits Bulma...he's instantly on his LEVEL by sheer INSTINCT.
It's WONDERFULLY crafted!
The way he balances tone, but also the simple EFFICIENCY of his storytelling...there's so little FAT (even when he's padding things).