I love the idea of Piccolo just wandering through town with Gohan, in a tank top. That's going to live rent free in my head forever, now. Some dumb idiot walks up to them and tries to mug them, and Piccolo just turns whatever knife or gun they have into confetti, then they keep walking.
Now I want a early DBZ vs TMNT comic where Gohan is really into the turtles because he loves super heroes and has a green stepdad. Also Roshi and Splinter getting drunk and they think Krillin is an albino turtle.
Why not! They just kind of do stuff in those. Super Saiyan Shredder cuts off Piccolos arm and they're all shocked he grows it back. Goku gives Mikey spirit bomb energy and he somehow makes it pizza shaped to defeat Frieza.
Sex ed
games of thrones