What Election Truth Alliance found regarding the vote tabulators makes it look more and more like they rigged it and these billionaire oligarchs might have had something to do with it
Regardless, now we have work to do because they are hellbent on destroying the democracy part of our country and it is going to be like dealing with a termite infestation in your house frame.
Fuck billionares. Only 815 billionaires in the US. Sounds doable. Start at the top. Skip people who aren't assholes or oligarchs. #FreeLuigi #FreeLuigiMangione
“This is a bigger issue than people realize. Not just jobs lost. But their families losing benefits. Landlords losing tenants. Cities and towns losing revenue. This is how recessions start
It amazes me how many people can't grasp that 1 person holding a $1B is evil.
At just 4% interest, it would generate you $40M a year, almost a million a week. And now imagine having 200X that and being obsessed with cutting SNAP and SSEC.
Ready Fire Aim is no way to govern.”
-Mark Cuban
At just 4% interest, it would generate you $40M a year, almost a million a week. And now imagine having 200X that and being obsessed with cutting SNAP and SSEC.