And how they’ll pay back their student loans if they depended on PSLF and can’t get back into public service right away. We need to continue to make clear that Trump is only interested in helping Trump. He has no qualms about screwing over any American, including the MAGAs. The proof is in all the
I came into work to find an e-mail saying the deferred resignation deadline has been extended to Monday. With the court order, shouldn’t it be paused rather than extended?
You’ve got a lot of fires going on at the same time, Sen. Kaine. Buckle up. I’m still very angry about a couple of your decisions on confirmation votes, but thankful for your determination on this, Vought and DOGE. Keep pushing! We need you!
This would all stop if Jeffery Epstein files were released or leaked. There would be many casualties, but other casualties are already mounting. Msk doesn’t have Presidential Immunity. His kamikaze mission w/trmp was a dire choice to evade prison. And a pardon can’t retract public knowledge.
It is time Americas allies around the world go public with the surveillance intel we all know they have to take down trump and Musk and their fascist regime!
You voted to kiss Trump’s ass; accordingly, your opinion no longer matters to real Americans. You are a traitor and a money-grubbing DINO. Fuck off and contemplate how history will remember you as a weak turncoat.
Thank you - keep it up. Get on YouTube and start talking to folks , we need to hear what you have to say. Get out in the streets with other Senators Now!
Shut the Senate Down
Blanket opposition
Withhold unanimous consent
Constant quorum calls
I just hope there are still enough guardrails, designed by out founding fathers, to stop Trump/Musk and their unprecedented assault on our Democracy.
Thank you for standing up to these traitors.
Is this gonna be like the debt ceiling bollocks where there's a media shitstorm frenzy every few weeks before it gets "Temporarily" delayed again.
Do you have the slightest f*cking idea how much you are pissing off the world right now?
This is not hyperbole.
In less than one month, Elon Musk and a bunch of incel nerds have weakened the US both foreign and domestically.
This is treason.
They're siphoning our $$$$
Shut the Senate Down
Blanket opposition
Withhold unanimous consent
Constant quorum calls
No more votes for Trump nominees, until all this garbage ends!
Thank you for standing up to these traitors.
Thank you.