I’m glad to see so many returning but the state their workplace was left in is heart-wrenching. I hope these people honestly know how grateful we are for their hard work.
WTF? Was there a mad dash where workers scrambled to find the best parts to build the coolest computer? I feel like that would be an episode of a reality competition tv show.
Absolutely wonderful to hear @altfda.altgov.info how resourceful FDA is employees are. And they’re recycling so that they aren’t spending more American taxpayer money on frivolities like chairs!
I asked to swap a wireless keyboard for my wired one and got a response “denied, keyboard has already been put there. Bring one from home”. I replied back that I wanted to swap mine out, doubt I’ll get a response
Hi cat human. After consulting with my appendage we reviewed your case. Have you tried submitting your request with all the words upside down? Sometimes this works.
Five bullets for this week:
-stood in line to enter office
-cleaned old dirty shit out of desk
-scavenged though tech equip
-pretended to be IT to set up tech equip
-go fuck yourself
The fucking DOGe kids treated The People’s property like that because they think they’re better than everyone else. Like MAGAts, they are enjoying this newfound sense of power and are going to stick it to anyone they can.
Mass email at the end of the day thanking us for making the return to office a "success". Seriously tempted to write and ask what "failure" would have looked like.
-stood in line to enter office
-cleaned old dirty shit out of desk
-scavenged though tech equip
-pretended to be IT to set up tech equip
-go fuck yourself