Lots of good discussion on the question of populism, but raising a suggestion offered to me offline, what if this is basically demographic, in which an ageing population simply means far more people yearning for a better yesterday? https://bsky.app/profile/davidheniguk.bsky.social/post/3legrbgkhls2e
Reposted from
David Henig
Based on my Sunday reading so far the big question of 2025 shouldn't be Trump, but why there is so much dissatisfaction around the world when more people than ever (including the dissatisfied) have more than ever.
So many possible answers, yet so little curiosity about the question.
So many possible answers, yet so little curiosity about the question.
Keep 'em dumb, keep 'em gullible.
Secondary moderns seem to have produced a generation educated just enough to do basic jobs, but not enough to think.
I'm no genius, but we were taught to think a bit more.
Told my kids, when they're told something, say "Prove it".
Went to a comp. as I couldn't be arsed travelling 1.5hrs to a grammar school. Made no difference in the end.
In the old days, they'd have been thrown on the scrap-heap at 11.
They still allow the smart ones to achieve; one of my school friends was a lead barrister in the Post Office inquiry.
Unfortunately, they seem a hesitant when it comes to changing the status quo. If they don't get with the programme and start playing as dirty as the opposition, they'll be one term.
To keep people wanting more whilst subsequently keeping them dissatisfied with what they have.
Keeping up with the Joneses.
Yearning for yesteryear is a very human thing as people age, fear of accelerating future change they don’t understand tends to give people the excuse to not think positively, choosing to fear instead.
Interesting related thoughts here by @tomhayes.bsky.social https://hayest.substack.com/p/sunday-scribblings-dff
All this debate/discussion proceeds as if the welfare state never existed and never provided the basic security that prevented destitution, or at least the fear of it.
If you can see a sizable number of people who are ridiculously much better off than you are, it's the delta between them and you that will drive your perception, not your absolute standard of living.
The monkey that's been quite happy with the treat they've been offered as reward, reject it in fury, after seeing another monkey receiving a much better treat as their reward.
Retirees and oldish people (50-70) are quite affluent. Older than that take much taxes / money to treat.
Maybe younger people are envy and oldr nostalgic? If people would die younger, there would be no pension funding problems or nostalgic retirees no need envy.
Actually, I'm not sure that 'populism' is a useful term, given the difficulty in defining it. For many it seems to mean 'policies I don't like.' It's like a catch-all term of political abuse, from Left or Right.