When someone says that we don't need unions, they don't understand the history of unions and how degraded workers were/are. America has a president that is doing whatever he wants. How long before employers start doing the same?
Can we let them go ahead and turn it back in the south the way they want it. Then all that money that was spent on their schools can go to blue State schools 👍🏽
Additionally, once public schools are effectively privatized, that is also the end of teachers unions and salary schedules. Salary schedules were introduced when female teachers discovered that their male counterparts were being paid much more for the same work. Salary schedules = transparency.
On the other hand, if a poor family receives a $5,000 voucher and they have no additional means to supplement that amount, poor students will go to schools that charge only $5,000 tuition/year = fewer supplies, larger classes, poorly paid less qualified teachers, fewer services, no sports.
School choice vouchers enable families with means to supplement the vouchers with additional money. Let's say you are sending your kid to a private school that costs $10,000/yr. Currently you are paying the whole tuition, but if you get a $5,000 voucher/child, your costs are cut in half!
The ultimate goal is the destruction of public education. Feds will send each state a block grant with no strings attached. Families will receive school choice vouchers enabling
resegration. Poor children with ONLY voucher money will be in poorly funded schools.
From their voting patterns, I do not see that free public education has benefited any of these “poor red state areas”. Valuing education is a cultural phenomenon which has obviously missed these people.
Republicans want cheap labor. Educated people want good pay and safe working conditions. Poor uneducated people will work for pennies on the dollar if they want to eat and keep a roof over their heads. These are the people who will be doing the jobs that immigrants use to do.
Billionaires want to replace the immigrant workforce with Americans. If they keep kids ignorant, they won't have issues like unions, strikes, and uprising. They'll work for low pay and do the jobs immigrants use to do. They will need to if they want to feed themselves and their families.
Of course the largest FO moment will be when dems finally recognize that the low income and poorly educated ANYWHERE in the USA just don't recognize their predicament as different and will go on living as they do now .. in poverty and without quality education .. the non-voters are the dem targets
Ugh.This is so scary. Linda McMahon was on Tv this morning. She made sense BUT possibly like the Wizard of Oz,there’s something scary behind the curtain.
It makes me anxious.Couldn’t these departments be changed without just “shutting” them down within a week?Make cutbacks AFTER more investigation?
Goal of 2025 is to create serfs and that will produce cheap labor. Unfortunately, tariffs will
will not bring back manufacturing, and will
Increase unemployment. So basically Republicans are destroying the United States.
Sadly, oligarchs are afraid middle-class kids will overcome weathy kids because they'll work harder and longer than the spoiled, entitled, lazy kids they put out!!
Last night, while washing walls and baseboards, I had a thought about sentencing, when and if, for Trump, Musk, GOP traitors - don't send them to a cushy minimum security facility. Make them live-in servants to single parents, the elderly, the disabled, etc. Unvirtual reality!!
And Texas is the worst. Our Governor is trying to complete a huge money grab for affluent Texans by giving them back 8K to send their kids to private schools. Public schools are already on a red shoe string. They and our kids could sure use that money!
In Canada the federal government has no say in the education sector. It is all onto the provinces. Of course our provinces funding for schools is fairly equal per school district.
AND…if we are going to give to states then it should be proportional by their population! E.g., no more CA money going to fund MS and AL schools! Give back what we contributed! Now what?
“For if you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them…
resegration. Poor children with ONLY voucher money will be in poorly funded schools.
It makes me anxious.Couldn’t these departments be changed without just “shutting” them down within a week?Make cutbacks AFTER more investigation?
will not bring back manufacturing, and will
Increase unemployment. So basically Republicans are destroying the United States.
The Drumpf cult members keep parroting “let’s have charter/private schools” but what they really want are christofascist madrasas.
Sir Thomas More, Utopia